Grand Fond holiday villa rental with private pool, internet access, air con and TV


From the manager

  • Villa
  • 3 bedrooms
  • Sleeps 6
  • Min stay varies
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Key information

  • Swimming pool
  • Child friendly
  • Air conditioning
  • No pets allowed

From the manager

This 3 Bedroom Villa can be rented as a 1 or 2 Bedroom Villa at special rates! 


A breathtaking villa situated in Grand Fond. It offers an extraordinary view of the ocean and the wild coast of St Barts. The gorgeous beach-style heated pool is surrounded by a large terrace and a nice garden.

At night, it is a unique place to admire the stars. You will be able to walk to the natural sea pools of Grand Fond.

The decoration is sober and contemporary. Two of the bedrooms are connected to the living; you access the third one by outside stairs. If only it is still available, we highly recommend you this very nice villa.


The view

The pool

The privacy

Location: Grand Fond

Nearest beach: Toiny

Gustavia: 15 min.

Restaurant: 15 min.

Supermarket: 15 min.

Airport: 15 min.


1 pool: heated

TV, DVD, Wi-Fi, CD, US satellite, iron and ironing board, gas barbecue

Other info:

Heated pool during the winter


Housekeeper every day except Sunday and public holidays, pool maintenance, gardener, household linen, bath towels, beach towels

Room details:

Living room:

View: Ocean

Equipment: air conditioning

Other info:

iPod Dock

Sonos System


Equipped for: 8 people

Equipment: microwave, coffee machine, espresso machine, toaster, blender, dishwasher

Other info:

Nespresso coffee machine

Bedroom 1:

View: Ocean

Bed size: Queen 5.25 Ãâ 6.56

Equipment: air conditioning, bathroom with shower

Bedroom 2:

View: Ocean

Bed size: Queen 5.25 Ãâ 6.56

Equipment: air conditioning, bathroom with shower

Bedroom 3:

Bed size: King 6.56 Ãâ 6.56

Equipment: air conditioning, TV, US satellite, DVD, bathroom with shower

Other info:

Located on the 1st floor of the villa

CANCELLATION POLICY: 50% cancellation refund 60 days prior to arrival

Additional amenities: Full Kitchen

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Bed & bathroom

  • 3 Unknown types


  • Great for children of all ages
  • No pets allowed


  • Parking
  • Not suitable for wheelchair users


  • Air conditioning
  • Private outdoor pool (unheated)
  • Private outdoor pool (heated)
  • BBQ
  • Internet access
  • Cooker
  • Fridge
  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • Dishwasher
  • TV
  • Satellite TV
  • DVD player
  • Stereo system
  • Linen provided
  • Towels provided

Show all amenities Show fewer amenities





Things to know


This owner does not use online booking. Please contact them and they will be able to offer you a secure way to pay for your stay. Never pay for your holiday rental by wire transfer (such as Western Union or Moneygram) as this type of payment is untraceable.

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No smoking at this property

About the manager

Private Villa Rentals
Calendar updated:
21 Sep 2024

Years listed:

Based in:
Languages spoken: English, French, Spanish
This Villa has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and sleeps 6. It has been listed on Holiday Lettings since 25 Mar 2015. Located in St. Barthelemy, the average weekly rate is £4538.
The property’s calendar was last updated on 21 Sep 2024.
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You'll need to send the property manager an enquiry to book - the owner will let you know how to pay. If they accept online booking they'll send you a quote and info on how to pay. If you pay through our website you’ll be covered by Payment Protection.

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How do I know what it will cost for my stay?

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How do I pay for my holiday?

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How do damage deposits work?

The property manager of this property is responsible for taking and refunding your damage deposit. The damage deposit terms should be agreed before booking and outlined in the booking contract, if the property manager supplies one. Please refer to these details or contact the property manager directly if you have any questions.

How do I cancel my booking?

You'll need to contact the property manager to cancel. They should have provided their contact details when you made your booking - otherwise, email them through the contact form.

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You'll need to contact the property manager to edit your booking. They should have provided their contact details when you made your booking - otherwise, email them through the contact form.

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