Tell us your dates, and we will find the most accurate rates and availability for you
Villas in Nepal: Rent luxury villas in Nepal
14 villas
from £438 / night
£2,628 / week
from £31 / night
£219 / week
from £163 / night
£1,139 / week
from £176 / night
£1,314 / week
from £189 / night
£1,227 - £1,331 / week
from £88 / night
£570 - £1,060 / week
from £175 / night
£1,221 / week
from £97 / night
£526 - £1,139 / week
from £136 / night
£951 / week
from £129 / night
£900 / week
from £173 / night
£1,211 / week
from £165 / night
£1,152 / week