
Prices originally quoted in USD

For up to 10 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
Summer (Summer 2024) 20 Apr 24 22 Dec 24 £1,764 - £12,345 - 4 nights Flexible
ChristmasNew Years 7 days (Holidays 2024-25) 22 Dec 24 5 Jan 25 £2,176 - £15,226 - 1 week Flexible
Jan Feb (Jan Feb 2025) 5 Jan 25 1 Mar 25 £1,764 - £12,345 - 4 nights Flexible
Spring Break (March 2025) 1 Mar 25 26 Apr 25 £2,176 - £15,226 - 1 week Flexible
Summer (Summer 2025) 26 Apr 25 14 Dec 25 £1,764 - £12,345 - 4 nights Flexible
All other dates - - £1,764 - £12,345 - 4 nights Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

Additional fees may apply:
- All Seasons Travel Plan | 7% of rent | Don't let cancellations, interruptions, or delays ruin your vacation - purchase All Seasons Travel Insurance now. This insurance covers unforeseen circumstances such as weather, illness, injury or death. Coverage includes flight costs, vacation rental payments, lost baggage and much, much more.