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Nearest travel links

Airport TOURS
Ferry CAEN 250.00 km
Train station LA MENITRE 10.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Parking: private parking on site (guests only).

Travel: By air: via Tours, Nantes, Poitiers or Paris. By train: via Angers, Saumur, Tours or Paris. Local train station at 10 mins drive (la Menitre). By coach/bus from Angers, Saumur, Tours or Paris to our local town Beaufort en Vallee.

Activities near Brion

Sports Tennis in town, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Rural or countryside holidays, Cycling holidays

Getting around

This area of rural France is absolutely beautiful, however, we do recommend a car as the ideal mode of transport to enjoy your holiday to the full in the Loire Valley. There is public transport locally: Bus to our local town, Saumur and Angers (limited timetable). Train from local station (about 10 mins away by car/taxi) to Saumur, Angers, Tours, Nantes. High Speed trains from Angers and Tours to the coast and Paris. Taxis - available locally (reservation in recommended).