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Nearest travel links

Airport East Midlands Airport
Train station Alfreton 6.00 km
Car Car advised

Activities near Higham

Sports Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Cycling holidays

Getting around

Located within easy driving distance to Alton Towers (Theme Park) Bakewell (home of the famous Bakewell tart) Buxton (Spa Town famous for Buxton spring water & market town) Carsington Water (The reservoir is a major centre for leisure activities including walking, cycling, fly fishing, bird watching, sailing, canoeing, and windsurfing) Castleton (In the heart of the Peak District famous for Blue John jewelry) Chatsworth House (The seat of the Duke of Devonshire with a farm park & farm shop selling excellent local produce) Derwent Dam (Location for the filming of the 617 squadron) Haddon Hall (The location for the filming of over 25 films and TV series including Jane Eyre & Pride and Prejudice) Hardwick Hall (Elizabethan country house)