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Nearest travel links

Airport Brest
Ferry Roscoff 70.00 km
Train station Carhaix Plougher 3.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

1-2 hours from Roscoff & St Malo ferry ports and Brest & Dinard airports.

There is a train station in Carhaix Plougher

Activities near Carhaix-Plouguer

Sports Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Cycling holidays

Getting around

Walking - there are 12 pre-planned walking routes from Carhaix Cycling - there are bikes available to explore the area; there are plenty of places to go and there is a cycle rack for your car so that you can travel further. The Nantes-Brest Canal towpaths are perfect! There is a train station from carhaix to travel into France or the coast. Crozon Peninsula - an hour to the closest sandy beach and offers miles of rugged coastline, fish restaurants, boat trips and natural attractions.