
What's nearby:

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Nearest travel links

Airport Cape Town International
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

Taxi Service:

Uber is safe an reliable in the area (when available)

We use a reliable and safe (Private) taxi service called La Rochelle tours. City Prices arrange from R200.00 per return trip for couple to R700.00 for groups of 4 or more

*Please allow approximately 20-5 minutes waiting time for a taxi.

*La Rochelle Tours

Activities near Franschhoek

Sports Tennis in town, Horse riding
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks

Getting around

Taxi Service: Uber is safe an reliable in the area (when available) We use a reliable and safe (Private) taxi service called La Rochelle tours. City Prices arrange from R200.00 per return trip for couple to R700.00 for groups of 4 or more *Please allow approximately 20-5 minutes waiting time for a taxi. *La Rochelle Tours