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Nearest travel links

Airport Kassel Calden
Train station Kassel Wilhelmshöhe 3.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

By public transport 1. From station Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe take the bus 10 or 110 to "Harleshausen-Mitte" (get off the bus to the right and walk about 100 meters to the street "Am Anger", there again about 50 mtr, the destination is on the right 2. From Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe station, take the bus to "Kronenstraße" / get off the bus to the left and walk about 50 meters to the "Geilebachweg", then turn right at the next fork go right, the Zeil is after 30 mtr.

Activities near Kassel

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Skiing – property near ski resort
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks, Cycling holidays