
What's nearby:

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Nearest travel links

Airport catania fontanarossa
Train station taormina-giardini 11.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

From Catania-Fontanarossa Airport Via Fontanarossa, 95121 Catania CT -Take Viale San Teodoro and Str. Cardinale / SP54 towards E45 to Misterbianco 8 min (5.9 km) - Follow E45 to Taormina. Take the Taormina exit from E45 34 min (53.5 km) -Follow SS114 up to your destination in Fondaco Parrino km 39.

Activities near Letojanni

Sports Fishing
Great for Walking holidays

Getting around

The car is recommended, alternatively there are efficient public transport to reach all the destinations in the area.