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Nearest travel links

Airport Porto
Train station Braga 40.00 km

How to get there

We are located just a minute away from the N101 which runs from Moncao to Arcos de Valdevez. Arriving from north or south you will pass the Restaurant O Mirante. Opposite the restaurant is a cobbled road which climbs up. After about 50 metres the road becomes paved. Follow this road, after around 300 metres you will pass a sign for Campo dos Jogos do not turn here go straight on. After a further 200 metres there is a sign for Igreja de Sabadim again do not turn carry straight on for another 300 metres. It is indicated that the road is a dead end but carry on, as the road turns to the right there is a white wall and two sets of green gates. Turn in to the first gate (it is a little tight so be careful) drive up the track for 100 metres and you have arrived. If all else fails arrive at O Mirante and telephone us and we will come and find you.