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Nearest travel links

Airport Aeropuerto Internacional Alejandro Velasco Astete
Train station Hidroelectrica 38.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Our staff will be waiting for you at your arrival at the Alejandro Velasco Astete international airport in Cusco, or at your accommodation in the city of Cusco to continue your trip to our lodge for an average of 4 hours. MAHA LODGE is located a short distance from MACHUPICCHU, it is recommended to continue your trip to HIDROELECTRICA (30 min by car) and then to AGUAS CALIENTES (2 hours on foot)

Activities near Cusco

Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Cycling holidays

Getting around

We are on the route Hidroelectrica Cusco, we can reserve buses and / or buses in cars to get from Cusco and Cusco. Likewise to arrive or come from Hidroelectrica (MACHUPICCHU)