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Nearest travel links

Airport Kirkwall
Ferry Lyness 15.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Fly or ferry to Orkney and ferry to Hoy.

Activities near Hoy

Sports Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

Hoy is best enjoyed outdoors and has an intriguing history. A recently restored path guides walkers from the hamlet of Rackwick and its dramatic bay to the iconic Old Man. Still in the north, the Dwarfie Stane is reputed to be the only Neolithic rock-cut tomb in Britain dating from 3000BC. Orkney mythology and legends abound on Hoy, with tales of giants and evil dwarfs! Hoy is rightly famous for its birdlife. 10,000 acres of moorland and dramatic sea cliffs form an RSPB Nature Reserve which attracts large numbers of migrating and resident birds, including the much loved Puffin - the viewpoint overlooking the Old Man is said to be the best place to spot them. The majority of Hoy's 400 strong population live in the south of the island.