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Nearest travel links

Airport Brindisi
Ferry Brindisi 45.00 km
Train station Fasano 15.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

Nearby airports are: Brindisi (45 mins from Trullo Falco) and Bari airport (60 mins from Trullo Falco)

Puglia has direct flights from nearly all major cities

Car hire is highly recommended and both Bari and Brindisi airports offer a large selection of car rental companies.

Activities near Selva di Fasano

Sports Golf course on site or within 15 min walk, Water sports, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

Car hire is recommended to really appreciate the many attractions this region of Italy has to offer. However, there is an extensive and very modern rail network linking all the major towns to one another plus linking Puglia to other regions of Italy.