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Nearest travel links

Airport VillaFranca di Verona
Train station Marilleva 900
Car Car advised

How to get there

From airports at Venice, Verona or Milan: take the train or travel by car.

From Verona, pass Trento, it is approximately 2.5 hours drive by car.

From Milan, the fastest route is via Verona and Trento (east of Lake Garda, A22/SS12), but by far the most scenic is the SS45bis that winds along the Western edge of Lake Garda. That will take about 5/6 hours, depending on the time of day and traffic.

Activities near Mezzana

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Skiing – property near ski resort, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, City breaks, Cycling holidays

Getting around

Trains are save and easy to use. The train (station) in Marilleva 900 connects via a cabine (cable car) with Marilleva 1400. Just walk over one road to get from the station to the cable car. It is easy to see the cable station from the train station. If you are confident in driving (on the right hand side of the road), then you are more flexible with where you want to go and when. Remember that in winter and summer you can get to the top of the mountains with cable cars.