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Nearest travel links

Airport Bergerac or Bordeaux
Ferry Santander, Spain 480.00 km
Train station Castiollon-la-Bataille 16.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

Bergerac airport is 45 minutes away and Bordeaux airport just over an hour. Regular flights are operated by Easyjet, Ryanair, FlyBe, Jet2 and British Airways from the UK and other budget airlines operate from the rest of Europe. We have ample space for parking for several cars if necessary.

Activities near Auriolles

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Fishing
Great for Rural or countryside holidays

Getting around

The best way to get around is by car. The cottage is situated in rural France and so a car is highly recommended, whether that be the one you drive over from your original destination or a hired car.