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Nearest travel links

Airport Caen Carpiquet
Ferry Britanny ferry 6.00 km
Train station Caen 25.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

By A13: to Caen, take North peripheral direction, exit No. 5 Dover Nacre coast, follow Dover and follow Cresserons (D221) through the village of Cresserons, and follow the direction of Hermanville sur Mer (D35) make about 1kms and take the first road on your left (D60) towards Hermanville sur mer, continued to give way, and turn right (D60B) management still Hermanville, then left towards La Brèche d'Hermanville, and all first right following "way Douet" left at the end, and residential leisure park is immediately on the left, you have arrived. Or Type: Sword Beach Cottage on Google maps and you will find

Activities near Hermanville-sur-mer

Sports Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing

Getting around

You Hermanville are bus stations to go to Caen, or along the coast.