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Nearest travel links

Airport Aereoporto di Pescara
Ferry Porto turistico di Pescara 12.00 km
Train station Silvi marina, Montesilvano, Pescara 5.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

My property is easily accessible in several ways: Exiting the motorway Pescara North / Città Sant 'Angelo which is 3 km / 5 minutes by car. From 'Pescara Airport which is about 12 km / 15 minutes by car or by train down to the station Silvi Marina or that of Montesilvano which are both about 5 km

Activities near Silvi Marina

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

The nearest beach is Silville, is 300 meters away and then you can easily reach it by foot. A part is equipped with a fee and a part is free and easily accessible even for the disabled because it is connected by a wide and smooth ramp. In front there are also several free parking spaces and a restaurant bar. Silvi is about 1 km away and it is easy to go by bike. The excursions in the mountains (Majella and Gransasso) and the hills require a motor vehicle (motorbike or car) about 5 km from the two train stations of Silvi marina and Montesilvano. On the provincial road which is about 600 meters there are bus stops. At about 12 km there is the Pescara airport