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Nearest travel links

Airport Rennes
Ferry Saint Malo 98.00 km
Train station Laval 50.00 km
Car Car essential

How to get there

In the village of Saint Ellier Maine take direction Pontmain. Leaving the village of Saint Ellier Maine take the first path on the right (after the 2 successive turns) and you head to the bottom of the path (2km).

Activities near Pontmain

Great for Rural or countryside holidays

Getting around

15km away is the town of Fougeres with its downtown, its hypermarkets, its aquatic center, its medieval city. At 18km you can discover water rides, a ropes course, paintball at the Leisure Park 53120 Colmont Gorron. Another example: The Angel Michel an amusement park located at 26km will allow the whole family entertained the time of day. Do mas miss during the summer season: Saint Hilaire du Harcouet market that takes place every Wednesday morning.