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Nearest travel links

Airport Aéroport Montpellier Méditerranée
Train station Gare SNCF du Grau du Roi 1.80 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

Several solutions to reach the apartment 1 / by plane via Montpellier you can land in Montpellier Fréjorgues and rent a vehicle or take the bus to reach the Grau of the King Always of Montpellier but by the train, then hiring of a vehicle or take bus 2 / via Sncf but passing through Nîmes, then take the little train that will take you to Grau du Roi 3 / by car, exit the highway at Lunel or Gallargues le Montueux, then direction Grau du Roi

Activities near Le Grau-du-Roi

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

Je recommande une voiture si vous souhaitez visiter l'arrière pays. Par contre si vous pensez rester sur place, un véhicule n'est pas indispensable puisque tout est à portée commerces, cinéma, poste (DAB)...