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Nearest travel links

Airport Dalaman (156) or Antalya (198)
Ferry Antalya 198.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

There are chartered flights to the Dalaman or Antalya Airports. A private and affordable transport can be arranged from Dalaman or Antalya (and other locations) directly to the house. Please contact us for agency suggestions.

Activities near Kas

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

Distances: Approximately 5 km around the peninsula. Only about 100 meters from seaside. Only a 5 min walk up the hill to catch the minibus that will take you to the centre. Important and nearby locations: Patara - 43km Kalkan - 26km Xanthos - 44km Finike - 78km Saklikent - 60km Gömbe - 60km Aryconda - 30km north of Finike Fethiye - 108km Dalaman - 156km Antalya - 198km ***** Car is advised but not necessary. There is a minibus every hour/half hour (depending on season) to take you to the Peninsula and back to Kas. The minibus stop is just at the top of the hill from our street.