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Nearest travel links

Airport Skiathos
Ferry Glossa (Loutraki) 7.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

There are several ways to reach the island of Skopelos using the plane: - Charter flights and flights are departing from various Italian cities Milan, Bologna, Naples, Venice, Verona, Bari and Rome directly on the island of Skiathos with companies low Cost such as Blue Panorama, Volotea, or the like. These flights at affordable prices can be identified at travel agencies or directly through portals like Jetcost, e-Dreams and others. Once on the island of Skiathos just take the first ferry or hydrofoil the first (the Flying Cat) for The Island of Skopelos with preferred destination at the port GLOSSA as the ride will be shorter (about 6 miles) and closer to our property.

Activities near Glossa

Sports Water sports, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

- PRIVATE ACCESS TO THE SEA. Private access to the sea passes through a park of olive trees, almond trees and centenarian trees. It is recommended to avoid smoking or lighting flames during the course because, due to both the heat and the dry seasonal vegetation, the danger of fire is more than real! - ACCESS TO PRIVATE PARKING. Access to car parks and the circulation of vehicles through our private road network must be carried out in total respect of the surrounding environment, with appropriate use of the road surface and avoiding noise or behavior that may disturb the quiet of the residents of the village and of the SECRET SPORADES Complex itself. The route is only suitable for quads and / or 4-wheel drive vehicles.