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Nearest travel links

Airport Geneva Airport
Train station Thonon Le Bains 20.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Detailed below are directions from Geneva Airport. We suggest using google maps. Its very easy, all you need to do is drive along side the lake and then turn into the mountains near Thonon.

Genève Aéroport

Route de l'Aéroport 21, 1215 Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland

Take Route de la Vorge, Route François-Peyrot, Route de Ferney, Avenue de France and Quai du Mont-Blanc to Pont du Mont-Blanc in Genève

16 min (7.1 km)

Continue on Pont du Mont-Blanc to Quai Gustave-Ador

2 min (600 m)

Take Route de Thonon to Route RN5/D1005 in Anières

16 min (10.7 km)

Follow D1005 and D902 to Route de la Moussiere d'En Haut/D293 in Saint-Jean-d'Aulps, France

47 min (45.7 km)

Follow Route de la Moussiere d'En Haut to your destination

6 min (3.0 km)

The apartment is up the hill from Saint Jean D'aulps ski station. As you drive up the hill you will pass the Sherpa supermarket. After this keep winding up the hill. It is the highest building in the resort title le Grand Cerf building 8 and the apartment is on the 8th floor, number 89.

Send us a message if you get lost.

Getting around

There is a free bus service from the resort to the nearest town Saint Jean Daulps and Morzine.