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Nearest travel links

Train station Waren Müritz 12.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

A19, exit goods, in goods then the Gievitzer Str. Drive to the end towards Malchin. Beware of goods in the 60 zone is a speed camera. Behind this is a turnoff to the right. There you drive off and come through Rügeband. Then you come straight to Groß Gievitz. Once there, turn right at the first street and follow the course. At the end turn left and now you come directly to the Schulstr. 18 too. In front of the house is a small roundabout. There you can take a parking lot in front of the house and arrive. The next town to Groß Gievitz is carefree. Have a good trip and see you soon!

Activities near Waren

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

In order to experience something on the Mecklenburg Lake District, it is advisable to use a car, a bicycle or moped, motorcycle. But also a long walk invites you to this landscape. There are also public buses. If you need a taxi please contact us.