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Nearest travel links

Airport Catania
Ferry Catania 28.00 km
Train station Catania 27.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

The street where we are is Vico dei Ciliegi, which is a street Dr. Giuffrida cross and corner with via Bitto; along the way Dr. Giuffrida uphill, meet on the right, just after a bend, about 200 meters from the intersection with Via Luigi Capuana; You will find Vico dei Ciliegi from stop signal for the school bus, which is placed at its beginning; at that point you will have to abandon the way Dr. Giuffrida and take the narrow road that will face (Vico dei Ciliegi), leaving the school bus sign on your left and continue straight ahead; at the end of the road (about 100 meters) you will find our structure.

Activities near Ragalna

Sports Water sports
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks, Cycling holidays

Getting around

The most affordable and convenient way to get around is definitely the car.