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Nearest travel links

Airport Perugia
Train station Camucia 5.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

The nearest airport is Perugia - 50 mins: ryanair from Stansted. Other airports within 2hrs 30 mins are Pisa, Rome, Ancona.Bologna The cheapest place to fly to is often Pisa or Ancona. Pisa is a motorway trip away: Ancona is a more picturesque drive over the Apennines and is one of our favourite routes.

Activities near Cortona

Great for Rural or countryside holidays

Getting around

There are a couple of bikes that you can use for going to the village and back. A car is recommended though some guests have managed without. The train comes to Terontola or Camucia which is 10 mins drive away. Many places pay the price of a stunning location by being remote and at the end of long twisty roads but we are fortunately in easy reach of all the places you would want to visit.