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Nearest travel links

Airport Geneva
Train station Annecy 1.50 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

You will find Annecy train station at 1.5 km by foot, Geneva airport at 40 km and there is no private parking on spot. There is a public parking at only 250 meters away. It is better to rent a car because there are not a lot of taxis and public transport.

Activities near Annecy

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for City breaks, Cycling holidays

Getting around

You will find Annecy train station at 1.5 km by foot, Geneva airport at 40 km and there is no private parking on spot. There is a public parking at only 250 meters away. It is better to rent a car because there are not a lot of taxis and public transport.