
What's nearby:

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Nearest travel links

Airport Rome Ciampino
Ferry Anzio 50.00 km
Train station Valmontone 5.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

By car Ciampino airport 40 km away;

By car Fiumicino airport 65 km away;

By train + bus/taxi Roma Termini train station -> Valmontone train station -> Artena ( 1 hour )

Getting around

It is strongly recommended to rent a car for a deeper exploration of the area. Alternatively, you can take advantage of the bus service that connects Artena with Rome Anagnina (Metro A stops in Rome) taking less than 1 hour. It is also possible to board the train from the Valmontone train station (reachable by shuttle in 5 minutes) which takes you to Rome Termini (in the heart of the city) in only 45 minutes.