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Nearest travel links

Airport B'naike International Airport
Train station Kandy Railway Station 6.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Driving directions to get here from Kandy town by a “Tuk Tuk” (Three-wheeler) or private vehicle (15-20 minutes)​:

- Coming from the direction of Kandy town, pass Buwalikada and turn left at Lewella Junction. ​- Keep driving straight past Bangalawatta and turn right after crossing the Lewella Bridge​

- About 200m from the Lewella Bridge, turn right to the Sirimalwatte-Nattarampota Road at “Siyambala Gaha Junction” (recognisable by a three-wheeler stand at the junction)​

- After about 200m along the Sirimalwatte-Nattarampota Road, turn right to “Ganga Addara Road” (a concrete road) ​

- River Valley Residence (No. 4A-2) is the 4th building on the left side of the road​

Contact River Valley Residence staff for more travel options.

Activities near Kandy

Great for Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks