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Nearest travel links

Airport Augusto C. Sandino International Airport
Ferry San Jorge to Ometepe 60.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

We are located 500 metres south of the Triangle (Laguna Beach Club is located at the triangle which is the intersection at Laguna de Apoyo where you either turn left or right ... to get to Alchemy you turn right and go 500 metres .. you will see an orange spray painted post... turn left here and we're the first place on your left).

Activities near La Laguna de Apoyo

Great for Rural or countryside holidays, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

Although a car is not necessary for those staying longer periods of time you may want to rent a car for a portion of your stay. There are however several local buses per day which are not always reliable but inexpensive! As well one of the nearby resorts has a shuttle bus that transports people between Apoyo Lagoon (Laguna de Apoyo) and Granada at set times (approx. $3/person/one way) ... I'm happy to arrange transportation and tours for those who want to see the area including .. active Masaya Volcano, dormant Mombacho volcano .. cloud forest or Las Isletas for a kayak or boat tour.