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Nearest travel links

Airport Rhodes Diagoras
Ferry Kolona 75.00 km
Car Car essential

Activities near Lachania

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

This is perhaps the most beautiful village on Rhodes Island and a total surprise for any visitor - a picture postcard setting, a scene of absolute tranquility and harmony. Most of the well -maintained traditional houses have been bought by foreigners (mainly Germans) or else by people from the town of Rhodes who are discriminating enough to appreciate the village and have settled here, creating a youthful and artistic community. The village square was used for filming a number of scenes for the 1989 movie "High Season of forty" (with Jacqueline Bisset and Irene Papa), most of which is set in Lindos. On leaving Lachania you should carry on as far as Mesanagro, a tiny farming community which really only comes to life once a year during its bi