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Nearest travel links

Airport BILBAO
Train station ESTACION TREN ZARAUTZ 3.00 km
Car Car essential

Activities near Zarautz

Sports Golf course on site or within 15 min walk, Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, City breaks, Beach or lakeside relaxation, Cycling holidays

Getting around

HOW TO MOVE Zarautz is a comfortable villa, ideal to move on foot or by bicycle without having to take the car. The Bidai On! Bus service It has two urban bus lines and its routes communicate the center with all the points of the town. The vehicles are equipped with an access ramp for the disabled. A taxi service on Gipuzkoa Street, 12, will allow you to comfortably travel anywhere (943 13 19 52). Zarautz is located in an extensive plain of the province of Gipuzkoa, open to the sea. Its main attraction is its beautiful beach, two kilometers long, with very fine sand, flanked by the cliffs of Santa Bárbara and Mollarri. The roads are very good.