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Nearest travel links

Airport Grantley Adams International, Barbados
Ferry Barbados 20.00 km
Train station No Trains
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

The easiest way to find Mangoes is to drive up the west coast road to Sunset Crest/Holetown area.

Turn right by Sandy Crest Medical Centre (also where the fruit sellers have their stalls on the left) and take the first road on the left, just after the fruit sellers and one house. This is Hibiscus Avenue.

Mangoes is the third house on the left hand side. We have double wrought iron gates and the right hand pillar bears a ceramic name plaque quoting Mangoes 94.

Activities near Holetown

Great for Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

An excellent bus service runs up and down the coast road regularly. We always hire a car because, as owners, we need to reach furniture stores etc. Holiday makers don't need a car except for sight seeing purposes and some of my more adventurous guests tell me that they have traveled far and wide using only public buses! There are no trains on the island of course, so all transport is by car, bus or taxi...... and boats of course .... always for fun though, there are no boats for transport (as far as I know!)