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Nearest travel links

Airport Inverness
Ferry Uig 15.00 km
Train station Kyle of Lochalsh 96.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Directions by road

On coming on to the island follow the signs to Portree, on the A87.

Just past Portree High School turn left (still on the A87) signposted "Uig-Dunvegan". After 3 miles take the sliproad A850 to Dunvegan.

6 miles on, having passed the sign for Treaslane look out for the red phone box on the right.

Prepare to turn right on the bend, at the signpost for KNOTT.

At the first cottage on the left on the township road, turn left and KNOTT COTTAGE is at the bottom of the drive.

We would advise that if you are using a Sat Nav that you key in "The Skye Bridge" in the first instance and once you have arrived on the Island the postcode or "Knott" as we have had some guests directed to Mallaig where they have been unable to get on the ferry to Skye and have then had a long extra drive to Knott.

Activities near Portree

Sports Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Beach or lakeside relaxation