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Nearest travel links

Airport Loreto
Ferry Santa Rosalia 150.00 km
Car Car not necessary

How to get there

We are a remote area so the closest airport is Loreto which is 6 hours away and has car rentals.

The drive from the border is 12 hours so most guests stay in El Rosario the first night as you should NOT drive at night for dangerous conditions on the highway like potholes and livestock on the road and spots with no cell service.

Once in town,drive straight down to the ocean on the main street and turn left, wind around the coast for a half mile and we are the only place on the ocean side and have rock walls around the Inn.

Activities near Bahia Asuncion

Sports Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

We can take you around town and often have a vehicle to loan you if you fly in or it is easy to walk around the village as well.