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Nearest travel links

Airport Stornoway
Ferry Stornoway 35.41 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

My website gives full details of travel to Lewis and to the house. Stornoway is the nearest town and has a ferry port and airport. It is 24 miles from the house. There is good bus transport on the island. There is car parking at the hosue..

Activities near Carloway

Great for Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

A car is not totally essential as there is a regular bus service to the local town Stornoway 24 miles away. However, if you want to visit beaches ,historical sites, art galleries,take part in activities etc you will need a car. Personally. I think you will enjoy your holiday far more if you have your own transport. Cars can be hired on the island if you choose to fly or you can bring your ca over by ferry. Most visitors choose to travel via the ferry.