
Prices originally quoted in GBP United Kingdom Pounds

For up to 6 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
All dates - - £120 - £690 - 4 nights Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

We try to be as flexible as possible with changeover days so our guests can take advantage of cheaper flights and ferry booking. Out of high season we offer mid week arrivals, short breaks and long weekends. Longer term rentals can be negotiated all year round. Please contact us for rates.
Prices shown are inclusive of bed linen and towels. High season rates are inclusive of utility bills. In the cooler months if heating is required, a reading of the electricity meter is taken before and after the rental and charged at a set rate.
Departure time is normally 10h00 and arrival after 16h00. Late check-out or early arrival maybe possible depending on availability and other bookings.
We don't add extra charges for cleaning, we just ask that you leave the property clean and tidy. However, if you would prefer to relax and not clean the house at the end of your stay we offer an 'opt out' cleaning charge of £60.