
Prices originally quoted in GBP

For up to 5 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
31 Mar 24 27 Apr 24 £145 - £465 - 4 nights Flexible
27 Apr 24 25 May 24 £145 - £510 - 4 nights Flexible
25 May 24 1 Jun 24 £155 - £600 - 4 nights Flexible
1 Jun 24 6 Jul 24 £160 - £620 - 4 nights Flexible
6 Jul 24 31 Aug 24 £170 - £700 - 4 nights Flexible
31 Aug 24 28 Sep 24 £160 - £600 - 4 nights Flexible
28 Sep 24 14 Dec 24 £150 - £470 - 4 nights Flexible
14 Dec 24 4 Jan 25 £160 - £900 - 1 week Flexible
All other dates - - £145 - - - 1 week Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

Accomodation is normally let for complete weeks. However it may be possible to accommodate a short break of 3 or more nights although 4 nights are prefered. Please request before you book. The price for 1 night is as described in the tarif. Prices available upon request for short breaks of 3 or more nights. The Changeover day is a Saturday. It may be possible to accommodate a different changeover day but this would need to be explored prior to booking. Bookings falling within 18 December -7January would need to be for a full week or more week. Please send requests for this Christmas/ New Year period to discuss before booking. Short breaks are not available over Christmas and New Year .