
Prices originally quoted in GBP

For up to 6 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
6 Jul 24 31 Aug 24 £220 - £1,540 - 2 weeks Flexible
31 Aug 24 15 Sep 24 £180 - £1,260 - 1 week 3 nights Flexible
All other dates - - £220 - - - 1 week 3 nights Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

Payment is usually accepted in the quoted currency unless the currency and the amount is agreed in advance with the owner.
WIFI included
Peak season is generally a min of 14 night lets & changeover day is generally a Saturday but please enquire for further info as possibly flexible on this depending on other bookings.