
Prices originally quoted in EUR

For up to 6 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
10 Mar 24 1 Jul 24 £142 - - - 1 week Flexible
1 Jul 24 1 Sep 24 £163 - - - 1 week Flexible
1 Sep 24 6 Oct 24 £142 - - - 1 week Flexible
6 Oct 24 22 Dec 24 £120 - - - 1 week Flexible
22 Dec 24 6 Jan 25 £137 - - - 1 week Flexible
6 Jan 25 23 Mar 25 £120 - - - 1 week Flexible
23 Mar 25 29 Jun 25 £137 - - - 1 week Flexible
All other dates - - - - £770 - 1 week Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

The price includes use of sheets, duvet covers, bathtowels. Beachtowels you have to bring with you.

you get 30 KW/H electricity per day. (this is an average). If you spent more, you have only what i have to pay to the spanish gouvernement = 0,30 euro/KW /H The housekeeper will note the meter when you arrive at the house together with you, and note the meter by leaving the house
Their is night And day price for electricty. THE cheap night electricty in summer is night from 1 o' clock at night till 12 o clock at noon.