
Prices originally quoted in GBP

For up to 6 guests

Period From To Weekday night Weekend night Weekly Monthly Minimum stay Changeover day
All dates - - £78 - - - 2 nights Flexible

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

* Rates are for a 6 nights stay commencing on a Sunday. * For groups more than 2 persons please contact us for rates. * Weekend and short break rates available on application. * The price includes everything except wi-fi, there are no hidden extras. *Wi-fi is available at an extra cost. * Bookings are provisional until receipt by the agent of the completed Booking Form and signed Terms & Conditions. * We accept payment by cheque (UK cheque only), bank transfer in GBP and Euros or Credit Card, Debit Card via PayPal. All transfers cost made to and from the client are their responsibility.