
Prices originally quoted in GBP United Kingdom Pounds

Please note: these prices may exclude fees and can vary depending on when you stay and how long for. Prices are also subject to change at the advertiser’s discretion.

This price is based on the apartment rental only and not per person. One person renting the property would cost the same price as four.

Comparison of ski holiday package in France to apartment in Bulgaria

France: Inclusive of return flight, from UK. hire of apartment, transport to apartment and half board. Based on 4 people in a chalet. £1,580.00

Apartment in Bulgaria
Flights for four £664.00 Based on Easyjet price 2010
Apartment sleeps 4 £240.00
Taxi 4 per return journey £160.00
Food half board duration of stay £224.00
£1,288.00 saving £292.00 against package

Please note this is not a package holiday, you would need to organise the flight, transport, or hire car from airport. But the apartment is more like a home. I stay at the apartment myself with friends and relatives once a year to go skiing.