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Nearest travel links

Airport Exeter
Ferry Plymouth Ferryport 65.00 km
Train station Exeter St Davids 13.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Train from London to Exeter St Davids is 2hrs then get a cab 20 mins to the house.

From the M5: Leave the motorway at the end (junction 31), turn left onto the A30 to Okehampton, turn left onto the A377 to Exeter/Crediton, then take a left again, signposted to Moretonhampstead. Drive on for 15-20 minutes and you will see a sign for Dunsford and a right hand turn, go past this turning and take the next left signposted to Christow. Travel along this road until you go over a single track bridge, straight after the bridge the road forks. Take the right hand turn up the lane drive through two S bends up to the top, you will see Copplestone Farm, follow the road round to the left we are the first turning on the left.

Activities near Bridford

Sports Tennis in town, Water sports, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Cycling holidays