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Nearest travel links

Airport Glasgow
Ferry Craignure 42.00 km
Train station Oban 50.00 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

Ferries to the Isle of Mull leave from Lochaline or Craignure, all operated by Caledonian Macbrayne. Glengorm is 5 miles north of Tobermory on the northern tip of the Island. When you reach the roundabout in Tobermory, go straight across and follow the road to the left, after 1/4 mile, you will come to a crossroad where the main right of way turns to the left. Go straight over and follow the road signposted for Glengorm. Continue all the way to the Castle. The road is single track and there may be cows or sheep on the road. A great adventure and a fantastic destination at the end of it!

Activities near Tobermory

Sports Fishing
Great for Walking holidays, Rural or countryside holidays, Cycling holidays