
What's nearby:

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Nearest travel links

Airport Exeter
Ferry Plymouth
Train station Barnstaple 40.23 km
Car Car advised

How to get there

We provide detailed directions when we confirm the booking. The directions include details of the supermarkets visitors pass in the last half hour of the journey and suggest places to stop and eat on the journey down.

We believe the journey down to Downe should be part of the holiday and our recommendations of places to eat is part of this approach.

Activities near Hartland

Sports Tennis in town, Horse riding, Fishing
Great for Rural or countryside holidays, Beach or lakeside relaxation

Getting around

A car is highly recommended for visitors to Downe. It makes everything so much easier particularly utilizing the variety of restaurants in the area. Having said that we regularly get visitors who park their car in the garage on arrival and next use their car on the day of departure. We do have visitors stay with us who come without a car and we can arrange for them to be collected from Barnstaple Station if they travel by rail or from Bideford if they travel by coach